Yorkhill at a glance*

Average selling price
Median time to sell
18 days
Average % of Home Report achieved
Most popular property type
2 bedroom flat

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* Sales statistics shown here are for the wider Glasgow West area, due to data availability. Figures are based on properties marketed and sold through ESPC. Home Report valuations relate to properties where the Home Report was available on espc.com. Figures relate to the 3 month period ending on 31/01/2023

Yorkhill is in the west of the City and has a plethora of distinctive sandstone tenement flats where were built in the 20th century by the Overnewton Building Company. The area is popular with students and young professionals alike, who appreciate the ease of access to the city centre and access to the university.

There is a large variety of cultural and social opportunities with the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, The SSE Hydro and SECC and plenty of restaurants, pubs, bars and clubs.

The name Yorkhill is synonymous with the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill, which was relocated to Govan in 2015.